
All Time Famous Quotes of Prince

Prince, born Prince Rogers Nelson, was a pioneering musician known for his eclectic blend of funk, rock, R&B, and pop. Born in 1958, he rose to fame with hits like “Purple Rain” and “When Doves Cry.” Prince’s flamboyant style and boundary-pushing approach to gender and sexuality made him an iconic figure in popular culture. He challenged norms with his androgynous fashion and lyrical themes, becoming a symbol of sexual liberation and individuality. Throughout his career, he won multiple Grammy Awards, sold over 100 million records worldwide, and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2004. His sudden death in 2016 shocked fans globally, but his legacy as a musical pioneer and cultural icon endures, continuing to inspire artists and audiences alike.

Prince Quotes

1. “Compassion is an action word with no boundaries.”
— Prince

2. “There’s always a rainbow at the end of every rain.”
— Prince

3. “I’m a Jehovah’s Witness.”
— Prince

4. “Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful.”
— Prince

5. “A strong spirit transcends rules.”
— Prince

6. “Sometimes it takes years for a person to become an overnight success.”
— Prince

7. “Real music lovers are actually my favourite kind of people because they like to know, rather than just be told what to think.”
— Prince

8. “Time is a mind construct. It’s not real.”
— Prince

9. “Don’t hate me because I’m fabulous.”
— Prince

10. “There’s a dark side to everything.”
— Prince

11. “Repetition is beautiful.”
— Prince

12. “There’s something about having people around you giving you support that is – it’s motivating, and once I got that support from people then I believed I could do anything.”
— Prince

13. “A real friend or mentor isn’t on your payroll.”
— Prince

14. “Act your age, not your shoe size.”
— Prince

15. “Despite everything, no one can dictate who you are to other people.”
— Prince

16. “When i want to hear new music, i make it.”
— Prince

17. “It’s a hurtful place, the world, in and of itself. We don’t need to add to it. And we’re in a place now where we all need one another, and it’s going to get rougher.”
— Prince

18. “But life is just a party, and parties weren’t meant to last.”
— Prince

19. “I’ve grown up, everyone’s got to grow up. But there’s something inside me, I’m always going to have that little sort of – how do you say? – child streak.”
— Prince

20. “As human beings we suffer from an innate tendency to jump to conclusions; to judge people too quickly and to pronounce them failures or heroes without due consideration of the actual facts and ideals of the period.”
— Prince

21. “Money won’t buy you happiness, but it’ll pay for the search.”
— Prince

22. “The key to longevity is to learn every aspect of music that you can.”
— Prince

23. “No child is bad from the beginning, they just imitate their atmosphere.”
— Prince

24. “Ownership, that’s what you give your kids. That’s your legacy.”
— Prince

25. “I ain’t got no money – But I’m rich on personality.”
— Prince

26. “Cool means being able to hang with yourself. All you have to ask yourself is ‘Is there anybody I’m afraid of? Is there anybody who if I walked into a room and saw, I’d get nervous?’ If not, then you’re cool.”
— Prince

27. “Success can also cause misery. The trick is not to be surprised when you discover it doesn’t bring you all the happiness and answers you thought it would.”
— Prince

28. “Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today. To get through this thing called life.”
— Prince

29. “I am a firm believer in reincarnation for people who either have more work to do or have so much debt to pay back that they have to be here.”
— Prince

30. “I don’t really care so much what people say about me because it usually is a reflection of who they are. For example, if people wish I would sound like I used to sound, then it says more about them than it does me.”
— Prince

31. “The voice that U hear is the alchemy of Ur mind.”
— Prince

32. “Pop life Everybody needs a thrill Pop life We all got a space 2 fill Pop life Everybody can’t be on top But life it ain’t real funky Unless it’s got that pop Dig it.”
— Prince

33. “Like books and black lives – albums still matter. Tonight and always.”
— Prince

34. “There is something that happens when you get emancipated. You approach life differently. You eat differently. You respect yourself more. You respect the gift you have been given.”
— Prince

35. “If you see a man opening a car door for a woman, it means one of two things: it’s either a new woman or a new car!”
— Prince

36. “Now where I come from We don’t let society Tell us how it’s supposed to be Our clothes, our hair We don’t care It’s all about being there Everybody’s going Uptown That’s where I wanna be Uptown Set your mind free.”
— Prince

37. “It’s 2 o’clock in the morning and I just can’t sleep Outside the rain is pourin’, I’m lonely as can be Maybe 2night’ll be different than the nights before I need 2 feel someone beside me, I can’t be alone no more.”
— Prince

38. “I’m still very much a kid inside myself.”
— Prince

39. “Love isn’t love until it’s past.”
— Prince

40. “Hard to say what’s right when all I wanna do is wrong.”
— Prince

41. “I have a very thick skin. I take everything that comes and let it bounce right off me because I know the time will come when nobody will be able to speak falsely.”
— Prince

42. “Michael Jackson’s album was only called Bad because there wasn’t enough room on the sleeve for Pathetic.”
— Prince

43. “Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?”
— Prince

44. “Trees are worth more alive than dead.”
— Prince

45. “As long as I do not take myself too seriously I should not be too badly off.”
— Prince

46. “God’s a funky little dude because everyone’s looking for Him and no one can find Him.”
— Prince

47. “I do enjoy running down a ditch full of mud, firing bullets. It’s the way I am. I love it.”
— Prince

48. “Why party like it is 1999 when you can party like it is your birthday?”
— Prince

49. “When everyone recognizes Jehovah’s name, then everyone will be happy because everyone will know what to do and how to do it.”
— Prince

50. “Everything has changed for me since I’ve changed my name. It’s one thing to be called Prince but it’s better to actually be one. I have such a reverence for life.”
— Prince

51. “The internet is completely over.”
— Prince

52. “Black people still call me Prince. Sometimes I ask them, “Why do you call me Prince?” And people say, “Because you are a prince to us.” Usually when they say that, you know my heart goes out and I have to say, “I don’t mind your calling me that.””
— Prince

53. “When I found out that there was eight Presidents before George Washington, I wanted to smack somebody.”
— Prince

54. “I have written a song that says: If you ever lose someone dear to you, never say the words, “They’re gone,” and they’ll come back.”
— Prince

55. “Nothing comes to sleepers but dreams.”
— Prince

56. “You can always tell when the groove is working or not.”
— Prince

57. “Record contracts are just like – I’m gonna say the word, slavery.”
— Prince

58. “I’ve longed for kids since I was very, very young.”
— Prince

59. “I don’t believe in singles. The singles market has changed. I am trying to get back to the old days of releasing albums at will, like Star Wars coming out again.”
— Prince

60. “I’m going down 2 Alphabet Street I’m gonna crown the first girl that I meet I’m gonna talk so sexy She’ll want me from my head 2 my feet.”
— Prince

61. “The truth is, you are either here to enlighten or to discourage.”
— Prince

62. “All these non-singing, non-dancing, wish-I-had-me-some-clothes fools who tell me my albums suck. Why should I pay any attention to them?”
— Prince

63. “Don’t know what 2 say about Dunk-a-roos. They’re just good! Sometimes you want a food that is comfortable and takes you back. For me, it’s those crazy little kangaroo crackers.”
— Prince

64. “Hip-hop is very diverse, but if you only focus on one aspect of it, then what you get is this image of Black America that is completely contrary to what actually goes on.”
— Prince

65. “There’s this thing called compulsory licensing law that allows artists through the record companies to take your music at will without your permission.”
— Prince

66. “You can judge the success of a man by his bodyguards!”
— Prince

67. “At one time, MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated.”
— Prince

68. “Our consciousness is programmed. We see things a certain way from a young age – we’re programmed to keep doing them that way. Then you have to spend adulthood learning how to overcome it, to read out the programs. Try to create. I want to tell people to create. Just start by creating your day. Then create your life.”
— Prince

69. “She’s always in my hair.”
— Prince

70. “I really believe in finding new ways to distribute my music.”
— Prince

71. “All realities, all dimensions are open to me!”
— Prince

72. “If you ever lose someone dear to you, never say the words they’re gone. They’ll come back.”
— Prince

73. “Still, my soul is cast iron and not to be dented.”
— Prince

74. “I would die for you.”
— Prince

75. “There’s a lot of times that both myself and my brother wish, obviously, that we were just completely normal.”
— Prince

76. “Just start by creating your day. Then create your life.”
— Prince

77. “What people have to realize is that if one has a firm belief in God and the spirit then one does not make statements that are negative and untrue.”
— Prince

78. “I want to win, so sometimes I get a little overanxious.”
— Prince

79. “Any charitable act is love in motion, and love needs no publicity because love just is.”
— Prince

80. “Artists have the ability 2 changes lives with a single per4mance.”
— Prince

81. “Peace will come when it becomes irrelevant to strike out at people. When you see that it’s striking out against your own genome.”
— Prince

82. “The candles.” He asked if I’d heard of the devil’s interval, or the tritone: a combination of notes that created a brooding, menacing dissonance.”
— Prince

83. “A lot of people have the idea that I’m a wild sexual person… I’ve lectured quite a few people out there. I’ll say, ‘Think about what you’re saying. How would you react if you were me?’ I ask that question a lot. ‘How would you react if you were me?’ They say, ‘Okay, okay.”
— Prince

84. “The Internet’s completely overThe Internet’s like MTV. At one time MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated. Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can’t be good for you.”
— Prince

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