Khwaja Karimullah Abbasi Qadri Quotes

All Time Famous Quotes of Khwaja Karimullah Abbasi Qadri

Khwaja Karimullah Abbasi Qadri, born in 1866 near Multan, Pakistan, was a prominent Sufi saint. He received traditional Islamic education and later joined the Qadri order. After further studies in Baghdad, he returned to India to teach and preach. Qadri authored several books on Sufism, including the well-known “Sufi Manual,” and composed poems and songs […]

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Khwaja Ghulam Farid Quotes

All Time Famous Quotes of Khwaja Ghulam Farid

Khwaja Ghulam Farid, also known as Baba Farid, was a revered Sufi saint and poet born in 1845 CE in Chachran, Bahawalpur, Punjab (now in Pakistan). Belonging to the Chishti Sufi order, he dedicated his life to spiritual enlightenment and spreading the teachings of Sufism. Ghulam Farid’s poetic compositions in Punjabi and Siraiki languages reflect […]

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Khwaja Gharib Nawaz Quotes

All Time Famous Quotes of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz

Khwaja Gharib Nawaz, also known as Moinuddin Chishti, was a revered Sufi saint of the 12th century, born in Sistan, Iran, in 1142 CE. Belonging to the Chishti Sufi order, he spread the teachings of Islam and Sufism throughout the Indian subcontinent, eventually settling in Ajmer, India. There, he established the Chishti order and founded […]

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Khwaja Fakhruddin Chishti Quotes

All Time Famous Quotes of Khwaja Fakhruddin Chishti

Khwaja Fakhruddin Chishti, a revered Sufi saint of the 12th century, hailed from Chisht, Afghanistan, and belonged to the Chishti Sufi order. He dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of Sufism and Islam, traveling extensively across the Indian subcontinent. Eventually, he settled in Ajmer, India, where he established the Chishtiya Silsila and founded the […]

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Khwaja Baqi Billah Quotes

All Time Famous Quotes of Khwaja Baqi Billah

Khwaja Baqi Billah, born in Kabul in 1563 CE, was a revered Sufi saint and spiritual leader in the 16th century. Little is known about his early life, but he received a thorough education in Islamic sciences and Sufism. Traveling extensively, he sought knowledge and spiritual guidance from various Sufi masters before settling in Delhi, […]

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Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz Qutoes

All Time Famous Quotes of Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz, born in Delhi in 1321 CE, was a revered Sufi saint and scholar who settled in Gulbarga, Karnataka, India, during the 14th century. His teachings centered on love, tolerance, and service to humanity, welcoming people of all faiths to his hospice and promoting unity among diverse communities. Khwaja Bandanawaz’s profound spiritual insights […]

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Khwaja Bahauddin Naqshband Quotes

All Time Famous Quotes of Khwaja Bahauddin Naqshband

Khwaja Bahauddin Naqshband, born in 1318 CE in Bukhara, Uzbekistan, was a prominent Central Asian Sufi master who founded the Naqshbandi order, one of the major Sufi orders in Islam. His teachings emphasized silent meditation and the inward remembrance of God, focusing on spiritual purification and mindfulness in daily life. Naqshband’s order gained widespread influence, […]

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Khwaja Abdullah Ansari Quotes

All Time Famous Quotes of Khwaja Abdullah Ansari

Khwaja Abdullah Ansari, also known as Pir-i Herat, was a revered Persian Sufi saint, mystic, and poet born in 1006 CE in Herat, Afghanistan. His profound spiritual awakening led him to dedicate his life to Sufism and spiritual realization, emphasizing concepts like “fana fi Allah” (annihilation in God) and “baqa bi-Allah” (subsistence with God). Ansari’s […]

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Khwaja Abdullah Abbasi Qadri Quotes

All Time Famous Quotes of Khwaja Abdullah Abbasi Qadri

Khwaja Abdullah Abbasi Qadri is not a widely recognized historical figure or saint in the context of Islamic history or Sufism. It’s possible that he may be a lesser-known figure within a specific Sufi order or regional tradition. Without more context or information, it’s challenging to provide a summary of his life and contributions. If […]

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Kabir Quotes

All Time Famous Quotes of Kabir

Kabir, a mystic poet and saint, emerged as a central figure in the 15th-century Bhakti movement in India. Born in Varanasi around 1440 CE, his exact parentage remains uncertain, but he was raised in a Muslim family. Influenced by Hinduism and Islam, Kabir experienced a profound spiritual awakening, rejecting religious rituals and dogmas in favor […]

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