Pablo Picasso (1881–1973) was a Spanish artist who revolutionized the art world in the 20th century. He co-founded Cubism, reshaping traditional concepts of perspective and form. Picasso’s works, such as “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” and “Guernica,” are iconic examples of his innovation and artistic genius. Throughout his career, he explored various styles and mediums, including sculpture, ceramics, and printmaking, continually pushing the boundaries of artistic expression. Picasso’s influence transcended art, impacting popular culture and inspiring generations of artists. His ability to redefine artistic conventions and challenge societal norms cemented his legacy as one of the most significant and influential artists in history.
Pablo Picasso Quotes
01. “Everything you can imagine is real.”
― Pablo Picasso
02. “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”
― Pablo Picasso
03. “Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.”
― Pablo Picasso
04. “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”
― Pablo Picasso
05. “Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not. ”
― Pablo Picasso
06. “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
― Pablo Picasso
07. “Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone”
― Pablo Picasso
08. “Ah, good taste! What a dreadful thing! Taste is the enemy of creativeness.”
― Pablo Picasso
09. “When I was a child my mother said to me, ‘If you become a soldier, you’ll be a general. If you become a monk, you’ll be the pope.’ Instead I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.”
― Pablo Picasso
10. “There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into sun”
― Pablo Picasso
11. “It takes a very long time to become young.”
― Pablo Picasso
12. “The chief enemy of creativity is good sense.”
― Pablo Picasso
13. “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.”
― Pablo Picasso
14. “I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”
― Pablo Picasso
15. “What do you think an artist is? …he is a political being, constantly aware of the heart breaking, passionate, or delightful things that happen in the world, shaping himself completely in their image. Painting is not done to decorate apartments. It is an instrument of war.”
― Pablo Picasso
16. “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”
― Pablo Picasso
17. “Bad artists copy. Good artists steal.”
― Pablo Picasso
18. “We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth at least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies.”
― Pablo Picasso
19. “If I paint a wild horse, you might not see the horse… but surely you will see the wildness!”
― Pablo Picasso
20. “The world doesn’t make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?”
― Pablo Picasso
21. “Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.”
― Pablo Picasso
22. “There are only two types of women: goddesses and doormats.”
― Pablo Picasso
23. “Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.”
― Pablo Picasso
24. “There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality.”
― Pablo Picasso
25. “I’d like to live as a poor man with lots of money.”
― Pablo Picasso
26. “It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.”
― Pablo Picasso
27. “God is really only another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant and the cat. He has no real style, He just goes on trying other things.”
― Pablo Picasso
28. “If only we could pull out our brain and use only our eyes.”
― Pablo Picasso
29. “I do not seek. I find.”
― Pablo Picasso
30. “To draw, you must close your eyes and sing”
― Pablo Picasso
31. “When art critics get together they talk about Form and Structure and Meaning. When artists get together they talk about where you can buy cheap turpentine.”
― Pablo Picasso
32. “Youth has no age. ”
― Pablo Picasso
33. “Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal”
― Pablo Picasso
34. “We artists are indestructible; even in a prison, or in a concentration camp, I would be almighty in my own world of art, even if I had to paint my pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell.”
― Pablo Picasso
35. “If I don’t have red, I use blue.”
― Pablo Picasso
36. “People want to find a meaning in everything and everyone. That’s the disease of our age…”
― Pablo Picasso
37. “I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them.”
― Pablo Picasso
38. “Action is the foundational key to all success. ”
― Pablo Picasso
39. “I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else. ”
― Pablo Picasso
40. “What one does is what counts. Not what one had the intention of doing.”
― Pablo Picasso
41. “Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction.” ― Pablo Picasso”
― Pablo Picasso
42. “He can who thinks he can, and he can’t who thinks he can’t. This is an inexorable, indisputable law.”
― Pablo Picasso
43. “Every now and then one paints a picture that seems to have opened a door and serves as a stepping stone to other things.”
― Pablo Picasso
44. “Give me a museum and I’ll fill it.”
― Pablo Picasso
45. “It takes a long time to become young”
― Pablo Picasso
46. “Go and do the things you can’t. That is how you get to do them.”
― Pablo Picasso
47. “Pour moi, peindre un tableau c’est engager une action dramatique au cours de laquelle la réalité se trouve déchirée. Ce drame l’emporte sur toute autre considération. L’acte plastique n’est que secondaire, en ce qui me concerne. Ce qui compte, c’est le drame de l’acte lui-même, le moment où l’univers s’échappe pour rencontrer sa propre destruction”
― Picasso Pablo
48. “What do you think an artist is? …he is a political being, constantly aware of the heart breaking, passionate, or delightful things that happen in the world, shaping himself completely in their image. Painting is not done to decorate apartments. It is an instrument of war.”
― Pablo Picasso
49. “Inspiration existis, but it has to find us working.”
― Pablo Picasso
50. “How is it possible to be uninterested in other men and by virtue of what cold nonchalance can you detach yourself from the life that they supply so copiously?”
― Pablo Picasso
51. “You have to wake people up! To revolutionize their way of identifying things…you’ve got to create images they won’t accept.”
― Pablo Picasso
52. “I’d like to live like a poor man – only with lots of money.”
― Pablo Picasso
53. “Les bons artistes empruntent, les grands artistes volent.”
― Picasso Pablo
54. “We all know that art is not truth. Art is the lie that makes us realise the truth”
― Picasso
55. “Cuando me dicen que soy demasiado viejo para hacer una cosa, procuro hacerla enseguida”
― Pablo Picasso
56. “La calidad de un pintor depende de la cantidad de pasado que lleve consigo”
― Pablo Picasso
57. “Los buenos artistas copian, los grandes roban.”
― Picasso
58. “Jedes Kind ist ein Künstler. Das Problem ist, ein Künstler zu bleiben, wenn du erwachsen bist.”
― Pablo Picasso
59. “Sin una gran soledad ningún trabajo serio es posible”
― Pablo Picasso
60. “After Altamira, all is decadence – we have invented nothing”
― pablo picasso
61. “The bad artists imitate, the great artists steal.”
― Pablo Picasso
62. “Blandt mennesker er der langt flere kopier end originaler.”
― Pablo Picasso
63. “Impara le regole come un professionista, in modo da poterle rompere come un artista.”
― Pablo Picasso
64. “To find is the thing. – Pablo Picasso”
― Pablo Picasso
65. “Todos los niños nacen artistas. El problema es cómo seguir siendo artista cuando creces.”
― Picasso
66. “L’art lave notre âme de la poussière du quotidien.”
― Pablo Picasso
67. “I do not search; I find.”
― Pablo Picasso
68. “Are we to paint what’s on the face, what’s inside the face, or what’s behind it?”
― Pablo Picasso
69. “Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working.”
― Pablo Picasso
70. “To know what you’re going to draw, you have to begin drawing. Picasso”
― Picasso
71. “El artista es un receptáculo de emociones que vienen de cualquier sitio: del cielo, de la tierra, de un pedazo de papel, de una sombra pasajera o de una telaraña.”
― Pablo Picasso
72. “Every act of creation is first of all an action of destruction.”
― Picasso
73. “All art is erotic.”
― Picasso
74. “Go and do the things you can’t. That is how you get to do them.”
― Pablo Picasso
75. “Love is the greatest refreshment in life”
― Pablo Picasso
76. “Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.”
― Pablo Picasso
77. “Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? no. Just as one can never learn how to paint.”
― Pablo Picasso
78. “Without great solitude, no serious work is possible.”
― Picasso
79. “What do you think an artist is? An imbecile who only has eyes, if he is a painter, or ears if he is a musician, or a lyre in every chamber of his heart if he is a poet, or even, if he is a boxer, just his muscles? Far from it: at the same time he is also a political being, constantly aware of the heartbreaking, passionate, or delightful things that happen in the world, shaping himself completely in their image. How could it be possible to feel no interest in other people, and with a cool indifference to detach yourself from the very life which they bring to you so abundantly? No, painting is not done to decorate apartments. It is an instrument of war.”
― Pablo Picasso
80. “Every positive value has its price in negative terms… the genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.”
― Pablo Picasso
81. “The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider’s web. ”
― Pablo Picasso
82. “You don’t make art, you find it”
― Picasso
83. “Everything is a miracle. It is a miracle that one does not melt in one’s bath.”
― Pablo Picasso
84. “Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions. ”
― Pablo Picasso
85. “We don’t grow older we grow riper.”
― Pablo Picasso
86. “Everyone wants to understand art. Why not try to understand the song of a bird? Why does one love the night, flowers, everything around one, without trying to understand them? But in the case of a painting people have to understand. If only they would realize above all that an artist works of necessity, that he himself is only a trifling bit of the world, and that no more importance should be attached to him than to plenty of other things which please us in the world, though we can’t explain them. People who try to explain pictures are usually barking up the wrong tree.”
― Pablo Picasso
87. “Art is never chaste. It ought to be forbidden to ignorant innocents, never allowed into contact with those not sufficiently prepared. Yes, art is dangerous. Where it is chaste, it is not art.”
― Pablo Picasso
88. “There is only one way to see things,
until someone shows us how to look at them
with different eyes”
― Pablo Picasso
89. “Anything new, anything worth doing, can’t be recognized.”
― Pablo Picasso
90. “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.”
― Pablo Picasso
91. “Painting is not made to decorate apartments. It’s an offensive and defensive weapon against the enemy.
(about Guernica).”
― Pablo Picasso
92. “You have to have an idea of what you are going to do, but it should be a vague idea.”
― Pablo Picasso
93. “Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun. ”
― Pablo Picasso
94. “I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”
― Pablo Picasso
95. “Painting is stronger than me, it makes me do it’s bidding.”
― Pablo Picasso
96. “Everybody has the same energy potential. The average person wastes his in a dozen little ways. I bring mine to bear on one thing only: my paintings, and everything else is sacrificed to it…myself included.”
― Picasso
97. “It took me a lifetime.”
― Pablo Picasso
98. “Who sees the human face correctly: the photographer, the mirror, or the painter?”
― Pablo Picasso
99. “Good artists copy; great artists steal.”
― Pablo Picasso
100. “Whatever the source of emotion that drives me to create, I want to give it a form which has some connection with the visible world, even if it is only to wage war on that world….I want my paintings to be able to defend themselves to resist the invader, just as though there were razor blades on all surfaces so no one could touch them without cutting his hands.”
― Pablo Picasso
101. “The more technique you have the less you have to worry about it. The more technique there is the less there is. ”
― Pablo Picasso
102. “Sex and art are the same thing.”
― Pablo Picasso
103. “The people who make art their business are mostly imposters.”
― Pablo Picasso
104. “Matisse makes a drawing, then he makes a copy of it. He copies it five times, ten times, always clarifying the line. He’s convinced that the last, the most stripped down, is the best, the purest, the definitive one; and in fact, most of the time, it was the first. In drawing, nothing is better than the first attempt.”
― Pablo Picasso
105. “It is your work in life that is the ultimate seduction.”
― Pablo Picasso
106. “In art intentions are not sufficient and, as we say in Spanish, love must be proved by deeds and not by reasons. What one does is what counts and not what one had the intention of doing.”
― Pablo Picasso
107. “Painting it’s a blind man profession. Painter is painting not what he sees but what he feels.”
― Pablo Picasso
108. “The fact that for a long time Cubism has not been understood and that even today there are people who cannot see anything in it means nothing. I do not read English, an English book is a blank book to me. This does not mean that the English language does not exist. Why should I blame anyone but myself if I cannot understand what I know nothing about?” -Pablo Picasso.”
― Pablo Picasso
109. “The older you get, the stronger the wind gets — and it’s always in your face.”
― Pablo Picasso
110. “Todo lo que puedas imaginar es real.”
― Pablo Picasso
111. “We have learned nothing in twelve thousand years. (Upon exiting the Lascaux cave, France)”
― Pablo Picasso
112. “On devient jeune à soixante ans. Malheureusement, c’est trop tard”
― Pablo Picasso
113. “When I was a kid I drew like Michelangelo. It took me years to learn to draw like a kid.”
― Pablo Picasso
114. “I’m not a developer; I am.”
― Pablo Picasso
115. “Art is not chaste. Those ill prepared should be allowed no contact with art. Art is dangerous. If it is chaste, it is not art.”
― Pablo Picasso
116. “Art is a lie that reveals the truth.”
― Pablo Picasso
117. “An idea is a point of departure and no more. As soon as you elaborate it, it becomes transformed by thought”
― Pablo Picasso
118. “To find is the thing.”
― Pablo Picasso
119. “When you come right down to it all you have is yourself. The sun is a thousand rays in your belly. All the rest is nothing.”
― Pablo Picasso
120. “My hand tells me what I’m thinking.”
― Pablo Picasso
121. “Siempre estoy haciendo cosas que no puedo hacer, así es como logro hacerlas.”
― Pablo Picasso
122. “It would be very interesting to preserve photographically not the stages, but the metamorphoses of a picture. Possibly one might then discover the path followed by the brain in materializing a dream.”
― Pablo Picasso
123. “We have a definite but unknown quantity of experience at our disposal. As soon as the hourglass is turned, the sand will begin to run out and once it starts, it cannot stop until it’s all gone.”
― Pablo Picasso
124. “You have to know how to be vulgar. Paint with four-letter words.”
― Pablo Picasso
125. “Every time I change wives I should burn the last one. That way I’d be rid of them. They wouldn’t be around to complicate my existence. Maybe, that would bring back my youth, too. You kill the woman and you wipe out the past she represents.”
― Picasso
126. “My mother said to me, “If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.” Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso.”
― Pablo Picasso
127. “Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.”
― Pablo Picasso
128. “It takes a long time to grow young.”
― Pablo Picasso
129. “We’re constantly moving dust from one place to another, only to have it replaced by more dust — entropy always wins.”
― Pablo Picasso
130. “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life”
― Pablo Picasso
131. “I am always doing things I can’t do, that’s how I get to do them.”
― Pablo Picasso
132. “To me there is no past or future in art. If a work of art cannot live always in the present it must not be considered at all. The art of the Greeks, of the Egyptians, of the great painters who lived in other times, is not an art of the past; perhaps it is more alive today that it ever was.”
― Picasso
133. “Never permit a dichotomy to rule your life, a dichotomy in which you hate what you do so you can have pleasure in your spare time. Look for a situation in which your work will give you as much happiness as your spare time.”
― Pablo Picasso
134. “The meaning of life is to find your gift, the purpose of life is to give it away.”
― Pablo Picasso
135. “I am always doing things I can’t do. That is how I get to do them.”
― Pablo Picasso
136. “Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not”
― Pablo Picasso
137. “A piece of space-dust falls on your head once every day… With every breath, we inhale a bit of the story of our universe, our planet’s past and future, the smells and stories of the world around us, even the seeds of life.”
― Pablo Picasso
138. “Cansei de ser moderno. quero ser eterno”.”
― Pablo Picasso
139. “I am a woman. Every artist is a woman and should have a taste for other women. Artists who are homosexual cannot be true artists because they like men, and since they themselves are women they are reverting to normality.”
― Pablo Picasso
140. “What is a face really? It’s own photo? It’s makeup? Or is it a face as painted by such or such painter? That which is in front? Inside? Behind? And the rest? Doesn’t everyone look at himself in his own particular way? Deformations simply do not exist.”
― Picasso
141. “Imagination is real.”
― Pablo Picasso
142. “A picture is not thought out and settled beforehand. While it is being done it changes as one’s thoughts change. And when it is finished, it still goes on changing, according to the state of mind of whoever is looking at it. A picture lives a life like a living creature, undergoing the changes imposed on us by our life from day to day. This is natural enough, as the picture lives only through the man who is looking at it.”
― Pablo Picasso
143. “You must always work not just within but below your means. If you can handle three elements, handle only two. If you can handle ten, then handle five. In that way the ones you do handle, you handle with more ease, more mastery and you create a feeling of strength in reserve.”
― Pablo Picasso
144. “Art is theft.”
― Pablo Picasso
145. “I want to live like a poor man with lots of money.”
― Pablo Picasso
146. “Academic training in beauty is a sham. When we love a woman, we don’t start measuring her legs.”
― Pablo Picasso
147. “My mother said to me, if you are a soldier, you will became a general. If you are a monk will become the Pope. Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso.”
― Pablo Picasso
148. “To copy others is necessary, but to copy oneself is pathetic.”
― Pablo Picasso
149. “There’s nothing more difficult than a line.”
― Pablo Picasso
150. “The Meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away”
― Pablo Picasso
151. “Art is a lie that makes us realize truth.”
― Pablo Picasso
152. “I do not evolve, I AM.”
― Pablo Picasso
153. “Kažete da ste neshvaćeni mladi prijatelju.
Strpite se.
I dijamant je u osnovu ugljenik, ali je umeo da čeka.”
― Pablo Picasso
154. “Οι υπολογιστές είναι άχρηστοι, μόνο απαντήσεις μπορούν να δώσουν.”
― Picasso
155. “People who read are people who dream.”
― Pablo Picasso
156. “What one does is what counts and not what one had the intention of doing.”
― Pablo Picasso
157. “Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.”
― Pablo Picasso
158. “I am a Communist and my painting is Communist painting.”
― Pablo Picasso
159. “It takes a long time to become young.”
― Pablo Picasso
160. “Learn the rule like a pro so you can break them like an artist.”
― Pablo Picasso
161. “A morte não é a maior perda da vida. A maior perda da vida é o que morre dentro de nós enquanto vivemos…”
― Pablo Picasso
162. “The first half of life is learning to be an adult-the second half is learning to be a child.”
― Pablo Picasso
163. “learn the rules like a professional, so you can break them like an artist.”
― Pablo Picasso
164. “Sve što možeš da zamisliš je stvarno.”
― Pablo Picasso
165. “Ko hoce nadje nacin, ko nece nadje opravdanje.”
― Pablo Picasso
166. “Inspiration exists but it must find you working.”
― Picasso
167. “It is a miracle that one does not dissolve into one’s bath like a lump of sugar.”
― Pablo Picasso
168. “I begin with an idea, and then it becomes something else.”-Pablo Picasso- read 6/3/17”
― Pablo Picasso
169. “We all know that art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand.”
― Pablo Picasso
170. “I don’t develop; I am.”
― Pablo Picasso
171. “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”
― Pablo Picasso
172. “Learn the rules like a pro,
So you can break them like an artist.”
― Picasso
173. “To know what you’re going to draw, you have to begin drawing.”
― Pablo Picasso
174. “Nothing is worse than a brilliant beginning.”
― Pablo Picasso
175. “Some painters turn a yellow dot into the sun, others turn the sun into a yellow dot.”
― Pablo Picasso
176. “Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. People grow old only by deserting their ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up interest wrinkles the soul.”
― Pablo Picasso
177. “I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it”
― Pablo Picasso
178. “We artists are indestructible, even in a prison cell or a concentration camp I would be all right in my own world of art. Even if I had to paint my pictures with my tongue on the dusty floor of my cell.”
― Pablo Picasso