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Timeless Wisdom: Inspiring Quotes by Mick Jagger

Mick Jagger Quotes

Mick Jagger, born on July 26, 1943, in England, is a renowned musician, singer, and actor. He gained fame as the lead vocalist of The Rolling Stones, formed in 1962. Jagger’s dynamic stage presence and distinctive voice propelled the band to iconic status during the British Invasion of the 1960s. The Rolling Stones produced numerous hit songs like “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” and “Paint It Black.” Beyond music, Jagger has pursued acting and appeared in films such as “Performance” (1970) and “The Man from Elysian Fields” (2001). Despite his age, he continues to perform and tour, showcasing his enduring passion for music. Jagger’s influence on rock music and his status as one of its most iconic frontmen have solidified his place in music history.

Mick Jaggar Quotes

01. “I don’t hate journalists. You can’t hate a class of people. It’s wrong to say that. But I do think they’re a bit like poison. Never trust them. You can’t trust them as a class of people. It’s their job not to be trusted.”
― Mick Jagger

02. “I don’t spend money on anything. I don’t collect anything. I don’t spend it on furniture.”
― Mick Jagger

03. “Thanks to everyone in Israel for the wonderful welcome. It was a great show and we’ll remember it forever.”
― Mick Jagger

04. “I am conservative with a small ‘c.’ It’s possible to be conservative in fiscal policy, and tolerant on moral issues or questions of freedom of expression.”
― Mick Jagger

05. “I’ve managed to avoid tattoos so far.”
― Mick Jagger

06. “I’m not the businessman. I don’t deal with the business at all. Not anymore. Occasionally, every four years or five years, they tell me I’ve run out of money, I have to go and make some more.”
― Mick Jagger

07. “I should think that being my old lady would be all the satisfaction or career any woman needs.”
― Mick Jagger

08. “When I’m 33, I quit.”
― Mick Jagger

09. “Either we stay at home and become pillars of the community or we go out and tour. We couldn’t really find any communities that still needed pillars.”
― Mick Jagger

10. “I love America, but I can’t spend the whole year here. I can’t afford the taxes.”
― Mick Jagger

11. “I don’t only like rock music. There are other forms of music that I find interesting. I would want to do everything, every kind of music. I wouldn’t want to be limited to like playing heavy metal or whatever.”
― Mick Jagger

12. “Music should elevate you. You can be raised, or left stranded. You can’t be raised all the time, in my experience. This might be a rare moment. You might just go up to that level but that’s always good.”
― Mick Jagger

13. “When we heard we were topping the bill over James Brown we couldn’t believe it. We tried for two days to get it changed round – I mean you can’t follow an act like that.”
― Mick Jagger

14. “I prefer to live in a rented house. No ties. Nothing around my neck. Just the minimum kind of bare comforts of home.”
― Mick Jagger

15. “Thousands of years people have taken drugs, whether it’s alcohol, which was invented about 5,000 years ago. People have been using that. And all kinds of marijuana and all these things, tobacco. So all these drugs have been – it seems to be the propensity of human beings to want to use them.”
― Mick Jagger

16 “If you get to be a really big headliner, you have to be prepared for people throwing bottles at you in the night.”
― Mick Jagger

17. “It’s like everyone I have dinner with, I’m having an affair with. Who was it I met the other day? Minnie Driver! She seems charming, but that’s the only time I’ve met her.”
― Mick Jagger

18. “I don’t want to be my extravert self all the time.”
― Mick Jagger

19. “People get very thoughtful when they are in cars. I no longer care for cars. I don’t collect them.”
― Mick Jagger

20. “I don’t believe in astrology. It’s a lot of crap. I just think that’s another thing you should throw out the window. Mysticism. Cheap. It’s amazing that people still hang on to that after all these years.”
― Mick Jagger

21. “There’s hundreds of different ways of writing songs.”
― Mick Jagger

22. “I love country music, but I find it very hard to take it seriously. I also think a lot of country music is sung with the tongue in cheek, so I do it tongue in cheek.”
― Mick Jagger

23. “Any performer is one person privately and then he’s another person when he steps on the stage.”
― Mick Jagger

24. “Most people in England don’t live in the North, and people are snobby in England, so they wanted a band from the South.”
― Mick Jagger

25. “Quite often when I record a song, writing it and making a demo is the big thing and, after that, I think, how do I actually translate this into real life? A lot of the time I think I can’t be bothered.”
― Mick Jagger

26. “Right now I can’t be sure that I will be back on stage. We have been touring for two years and that is way too much.”
― Mick Jagger

27. “I like to have a peek, see what the audience is doing during the opening act, because it gives you a clue and gives you a good feeling of where you are – the air can be different in different places.”
― Mick Jagger

28. “My father was furious with me, absolutely furious. I’m sure he wouldn’t have been so mad if I’d have volunteered to join the army. Anything but this. He couldn’t believe it. I agree with him: It wasn’t a viable career opportunity.”
― Mick Jagger

29. “I always think it’s better to be not taking drugs or drinking or anything. That’s not saying I’ve never done it because I have. But I sort of learned I think after a while there has been – it didn’t take me that long to realize that it wasn’t a good thing.”
― Mick Jagger

30. “I haven’t had the time to plan returning to the scene because I haven’t left it.”
― Mick Jagger

31. “It’s heartening to return to live music, heartening for people like me in a band. It’s a very traditional thing to return to. It re-validates the original form that we fell in love with.”
― Mick Jagger

32. “It’s not selling out, it is called making lots of money.”\
― Mick Jagger

33. “I didn’t have any inhibitions. I saw Elvis and Gene Vincent, and I thought, “Well, I can do this.” And I liked doing it.”
― Mick Jagger

34. “Rock has to absorb other rhythmic forms, because the underlying rhythm of music changes with fashion, and people like to move differently, and the underlying rhythms have to be the ones that people want to dance to.”
― Mick Jagger

35. “The Spice Girl Victoria Beckham has just published the story of her life. I confess that it is not in my reading table.”
― Mick Jagger

36. “My secrets must be poetic to be believable.”
― Mick Jagger

37. “My mother has always been unhappy with what I do. She would rather I do something nicer, like be a bricklayer.”
― Mick Jagger

38. “It’s a real buzz, even in front of 20 people, to make a complete fool of yourself. But people seemed to like it. And the thing is, if people started throwing tomatoes at me, I wouldn’t have gone on with it.”
― Mick Jagger

39. “The grown-up world was a very ordered society in the early ’60s, and I was coming out of it. America was even more ordered than anywhere else. I found it was a very restrictive society in thought and behavior and dress.”
― Mick Jagger

40. “Anyone taking heroin is thinking about taking heroin more than they’re thinking about anything else. That’s the general rule about most drugs.”
― Mick Jagger

41. “I don’t like being completely isolated. I need the energy from other people.”
― Mick Jagger

42. “We have recorded songs on the same day that were released years later in other albums.”
― Mick Jagger

43. “I don’t think people care about the mechanics of songwriting.”
― Mick Jagger

44. “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.”
― Mick Jagger

45. “Time is on my side, yes it is.”
― Mick Jagger

46. “You can’t always get what you want.”
― Mick Jagger

47. “I can’t get no satisfaction.”
― Mick Jagger

48. “It’s Only Rock and Roll.”
― Mick Jagger

49. “People are so brainwashed by the rules that they don’t know what really matters.”
― Mick Jagger

50. “As long as my face is on page one, I don’t care what they say about me on page seventeen.”
― Mick Jagger

51. “Lose your dreams and you might lose your mind.”
― Mick Jagger

52. “Don’t take life too seriously and always remember: it is just a passing fad.”
― Mick Jagger

53. “Polarization affects families and groups of friends. Its a paralyzing situation. A civil war of opinion.”
― Mick Jagger

54. “A good thing never ends.”
― Mick Jagger

55. “Americans are funny people: first you shock them, then they put you in a museum.”
― Mick Jagger

56. “Life’s just a cocktail party – on the street.”
― Mick Jagger

57. “Anarchy is the only slight glimmer of hope.”
― Mick Jagger

58. “I don’t think enjoying life is an exclusive prerogative of young people.”
― Mick Jagger

59. “I’d rather be dead than singing ‘Satisfaction’ when I’m forty-five.”
― Mick Jagger

60. “I got nasty habits; I take tea at three.”
― Mick Jagger

61. “I don’t like drugs. I think cocaine is a very bad, habit-forming bore. It’s about the most boring drug ever invented.”
― Mick Jagger

61. “People think they know you. They know the things about you that you have forgotten.”
― Mick Jagger

62.“I must be careful not to get trapped in the past. That’s why I tend to forget my songs.”
― Mick Jagger

63. “No one, but no one, is equal, or ever will be. Elvis was and is supreme.”
― Mick Jagger

64. “It’s all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back.”
― Mick Jagger

65. “People don’t bother to check with anything anymore. They just like to speculate in print. We like fact-checking!”
― Mick Jagger

66. “Dandelions don’t tell no lies…”
― Mick Jagger

67. “Patriotism is an instant reaction that fades away when the war starts.”
― Mick Jagger

68. “People love talking about when they were young and heard Honky Tonk Women for the first time. It’s quite a heavy load to carry on your shoulders, the memories of so many people.”
― Mick Jagger

69. “Thank you for leaving us alone but giving us enough attention to boost our egos.”
― Mick Jagger

70. “You can’t be jealous and be a leader.”
― Mick Jagger

71. “He stole my music but he gave me my name.”
― Mick Jagger

72. “The only performance that makes it, that makes it all the way is the one that achieves madness.”
― Mick Jagger

73. “Only a madman or an actor would want to be President of the United States.”
― Mick Jagger

74. “You have to sing every day so you can build up to being, you know, Amazingly Brilliant.”
― Mick Jagger

75. “I don’t know if rock is dying. I wouldn’t want to say that, but the world does change. Nothing stays the same.”
― Mick Jagger

76. “Casanova, he had no money and no power, and according to some, he even was cute. But he had talent to live, and some literature talent. I love how he invented himself.”
― Mick Jagger

77. “Everyone knows what their roots are, but you’ve got to explore everywhere. You’ve got to explore the sky too.”
― Mick Jagger

78. “Goddess was made in my home in France. The material retained an integrity whit it would have lost in Los Angeles studio.”
― Mick Jagger

79. “I came into music just because I wanted the bread. It’s true. I looked around and this seemed like the only way I was going to get the kind of bread I wanted.”
― Mick Jagger

80. “Many Americans have no idea of what has been the foreign policy of their country. If you don’t know about something, you can’t understand what is going on.”
― Mick Jagger

81. “I didn’t want to make teenage comedies, and I didn’t want to make really trashy films. I wanted to make films that were a bit challenging.”
― Mick Jagger

82. “I would like to reach a balance and forget a few things.”
― Mick Jagger

83. “The past is a great place and I don’t want to erase it or to regret it, but I don’t want to be its prisoner either.”
― Mick Jagger

84. “The Beatles were so big that it’s hard for people not alive at the time to realize just how big they were.”
― Mick Jagger

85. “You wake up in the morning and you look at your old spoon, and you say to yourself, ‘Mick, it’s time to get yourself a new spoon.’ And you do.”
― Mick Jagger

86. “I’m very ambivalent in my feelings about marriage. I think it promises a lot to people – sort of like saying, once you get married you are on the highway to heaven, and quite often it isn’t that. I think marriage has always been based on a combination of religious and legal reasons.”
― Mick Jagger

87. “I am pleased the Ministry of Culture is protecting the morals of expatriate bankers and their girlfriends.”
― Mick Jagger

88. “I believe we should encourage children to sing and play instruments from an early age.”
― Mick Jagger

89. “People have this obsession. They want you to be like you were in 1969. They want you to, because otherwise their youth goes with you. It’s very selfish, but it’s understandable.”
― Mick Jagger

90. “People also like partnerships because they can identify with the drama of two people in partnership. They can feed off a partnership, and that keeps people entertained. Besides, if you have a successful partnership, it’s self-sustaining.”
― Mick Jagger

91. “Well, don’t we all feel like jumping to the end of the world sometimes?”
― Mick Jagger

92. “I don’t find it easy dealing with people with drug problems. It helps if you’re all taking drugs, all the same drugs.”
― Mick Jagger

93. “When we heard we were topping the bill over James Brown we couldn’t believe it. We tried for two days to get it changed round – I mean you can’t follow an act like that.”
— Mick Jagger

94. “I prefer to live in a rented house. No ties. Nothing around my neck. Just the minimum kind of bare comforts of home.”
— Mick Jagger

95. “Thousands of years people have taken drugs, whether it’s alcohol, which was invented about 5,000 years ago. People have been using that. And all kinds of marijuana and all these things, tobacco. So all these drugs have been – it seems to be the propensity of human beings to want to use them.”
— Mick Jagger

96. “If you get to be a really big headliner, you have to be prepared for people throwing bottles at you in the night.”
— Mick Jagger

97. “It’s like everyone I have dinner with, I’m having an affair with. Who was it I met the other day? Minnie Driver! She seems charming, but that’s the only time I’ve met her.”
— Mick Jagger

98. “I don’t want to be my extravert self all the time.”
— Mick Jagger

99. “People get very thoughtful when they are in cars. I no longer care for cars. I don’t collect them.”
— Mick Jagger

100. “I don’t believe in astrology. It’s a lot of crap. I just think that’s another thing you should throw out the window. Mysticism. Cheap. It’s amazing that people still hang on to that after all these years.”
— Mick Jagger

101. “There’s hundreds of different ways of writing songs.”
— Mick Jagger

102. “I love country music, but I find it very hard to take it seriously. I also think a lot of country music is sung with the tongue in cheek, so I do it tongue in cheek.”
— Mick Jagger

103. “If you’re the singer in the band, you always get more attention than anyone else.
— Mick Jagger

104. “Killing for ideas is the most dangerous form of killing at all. Being willing to die for your ideas rather than your country is another concept, but dying for an idea, like in religion, is absurd.
— Mick Jagger

105. “Of course, I do occasionally arouse primeval instincts, but I mean, most men can do that. They can’t do it to so many. I just happen to be able to do it to several thousand people. It’s fun to do that.
— Mick Jagger

106. “Americans shocked me by their behavior and their narrow-mindedness.
— Mick Jagger

107. “I don’t watch much ESPN. Unless they have soccer on.
— Mick Jagger

108. “Acting is mostly interpretive. They use different parts of you, and different sides of you, and different so-called talents.
— Mick Jagger

109. “Drug use makes you snappy, and you get very bad-tempered and have terrible hangovers.
— Mick Jagger

110. “When you start a new project, no matter if it’s a movie like Enigma or an album like Goddess, you are always learning something. While I search, I find something new.
— Mick Jagger

111. “I enjoy doing different kinds of things. I just enjoy being not tied too much. I feel that I’m tied to myself as a kind of traditional musician and a singer, and the history that I have ties me down.
— Mick Jagger

112. “Have I turned into a motorized preacher? We spend so much time in cars that if you don’t try to get some experiences out of it, you can go crazy.
— Mick Jagger

113. “I think people are afraid to express their opinions half the time.
— Mick Jagger

114. “Samba rhythm is a great one to sing on, but it’s also got some other suggestions in it, an undercurrent of being primitive – because it is a primitive African, South American, Afro-whatever-you-call-that rhythm. So to white people, it has a very sinister thing about it.
— Mick Jagger

115. “You never really know what’s going to happen. You never know what the audience is going to be like or how they’re going to behave.
— Mick Jagger

116. “People have different personalities when they’re drunk or take heroin, or whatever drugs.
— Mick Jagger

117. “In England they always try out new mobile phones in Isle of Man. They’ve got a captive society. So I said, you should try the legalization of all drugs on the Isle of Man and see what happens.
— Mick Jagger

118. “Starting off in music, the purpose of it was not to become like well known on the street and be famous. You know, I didn’t even think about that part of being famous. Famous for making records, yes, but famous face in a woman’s magazine, I never thought of that. I didn’t want that.
— Mick Jagger

119. “I’d done a very long project on Bridges To Babylon. I was on the road for ages with that. When I came off the road, I thought, the next thing I want to do on my own.
— Mick Jagger

120. “That’s one of the good things about a lot of the young British bands, they are mixing all styles of music. I think that’s very good because that’s very modern.
— Mick Jagger

121. “I, personally, have a lot of energy, so I don’t see it as an immediate problem.
— Mick Jagger

122. “Movies in this country, its very complicated, and we could bang on about it forever, but the French movie industry is very different because its very obviously French.
— Mick Jagger

123. “When you write songs, you have to like them yourself first, but then you have to make everyone else like them, because you can force them to play it, but you can’t force them to like it.
— Mick Jagger

124. “I have never wanted to give up performing on stage, but one day the tours will be over.
— Mick Jagger

125. “Biographies of British pop celebrities are terrible.
— Mick Jagger

126. “Something that you can’t play in your kitchen is rap. It is done in your neighbour’s kitchen.
— Mick Jagger

127. “If you are British, you soon get used to people not loving you. The Irish remind us of offenses from 100 years ago. Perhaps we should react to what the French did to us even longer ago.
— Mick Jagger

128. “A lot of times songs are very much of a moment, that you just encapsulate. They come to you, you write them, you feel good that day, or bad that day.
— Mick Jagger

129. “The new fashion is to talk about the most private parts of your life; other fashion is to repent of your excesses and to criticize the drugs that made you happy in the other times.
— Mick Jagger

130. “I really don’t see myself being apart from music. I like doing lots of different things. I’ve been involved in film for quite a long time and I just like doing film.
— Mick Jagger

131. “I think, like most people, my moral values tend to be pretty fuzzy.
— Mick Jagger

132. “Boys, as far as England was concerned, were always the hard core. And you just know the guys like it. They want to be you. Some might be attracted to you without knowing it.
— Mick Jagger

133. “I am not a librarian of my own work. It’s a good thing not to be too involved with what you have done.
— Mick Jagger

134. “I am not very conscious of the figures of speech that I use.
— Mick Jagger

135. “I don’t really like using guns too much, you know, even for sport.
— Mick Jagger

136. “I don’t believe in having bands for solo records.
— Mick Jagger

137. “I see songwriting as having to do with experience, and the more you’ve experienced, the better it is. But it has to be tempered, and you just must let your imagination run.
— Mick Jagger

138. “I wasn’t understanding enough about drug addition. No one seemed to know much about drug addiction. Things like LSD were all new. No one knew the harm. People thought cocaine was good for you.
— Mick Jagger

139. “I read the most extravagant things about people who suffer and depress because of things written about them.
— Mick Jagger

140. “You have to write a song around this specific character or to enhance a specific scene. A lot of other craft goes on.
— Mick Jagger

141. “The terrible attack in Manhattan has given place to a burst of patriotism in the United States.
— Mick Jagger

142. “Normally I am not so violent. Everything comes from the question: Where will I die? It is a strong concern.
— Mick Jagger

143. “The music’s rehearsed a lot. All people think about is, they think, in rock ‘n’ roll, they get the music off right and they think it’s okay standing, looking macho. Well, it’s not. That’s boring. If you want to be a performer you’ve got to do a lot more work than that.
— Mick Jagger

144. “I never really studied business in school. I kind of wish I had, but how boring is that?
— Mick Jagger

145. “Of course we’re doing it for the money. We’ve always done it for the money.
— Mick Jagger

146. “Always as a musician you must have one thing you do well.
— Mick Jagger

147. “I don’t really count myself as a very sophisticated businessperson. I’m a creative artist. All I know from business I’ve picked up along the way.
— Mick Jagger

148. “You don’t always do the same things you’ve done the night before. That’s what makes playing live so interesting as opposed to being in the studio.
— Mick Jagger

149. “Americans get very simple explanations of what happens to them.
— Mick Jagger

150. “If you’re really on some heavily addictive drug, you think about the drug, and everything else is secondary. You try and make everything work, but the drug comes first.
— Mick Jagger

151. “I don’t watch much ESPN. Unless they have soccer on.
— Mick Jagger

152. “I was never that interested in business, to be honest. I do the minimal amount of business as possible because I’m not actually interested in it as a thing. But some people are interested in it, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
— Mick Jagger

153. “It’s nice to collect stamps, but if it becomes obsessive, and you start stealing for your stamps, it becomes too much.
— Mick Jagger
