
All Time Famous Quotes of Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari, a revered 15th-century Sufi saint and poet from Multan (now in Pakistan), belonged to the Suhrawardiyya Sufi order. His teachings centered on love, compassion, and spiritual enlightenment, advocating Sufism as a path to closeness with the Divine. Through his poetry, composed in Persian and Punjabi, he expressed profound spiritual insights and devotion to God. The shrine of Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari in Uch Sharif near Multan serves as a significant pilgrimage site for his followers, honoring his contributions to Sufism and his promotion of love and peace. His legacy endures through the continued reverence and study of his teachings, inspiring seekers of spiritual truth across South Asia and beyond.

Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari Quotes

01. “Seclusion is the best place for His remembrance.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

02. “That deed which is not recompensed in the temporal world is not rewarded also in the celestial world.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

03. “Every breath that passes carries the worth of both the worlds.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

04. “Meditation is this that one should know Allah Most High is also well aware of his state and that He sees him. It is not meditation to sit with the head placed on the knees.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

05. “The wayfarer should keep himself away from richness and kings so that he is fructified by Allah Most High like the seeker of Truth. That savant or dervish, who is indulged in carnal desires and lust, is far from the arcane secrets of Reality.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

06. “Dilation of the breast will never be attained unless withdrawal from the world is realized.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

07. “The wayfarer cannot attain gnosis (Marifat) unless he keeps the following things in view: He should never tell a lie, avoid backbiting, outer as well as inner; never harm the creatures of God; and must be honest in all of his affairs and conduct.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

08. “Seeker should not accept any other except God in his heart.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

09. “There are three types of knowledge: Knowledge of Sayings which is Shariah, knowledge of actions which is Tariqat, and knowledge of esoteric state which is Haqeeqat.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

10. “One should not adopt spiritual retreat without knowledge.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

11. “The wayfarer of the mystic path should take less meat, i.e., should take once a week and be engrossed in self-mortification. Conquer the lower self.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

12. “Once he said, the religion is one, faith is one, the Messenger is one, then the spiritual Guide (Shaikh) should also be singular. But one should have good faith in other Mashaykh and consider his own Preceptor (Pir) the best.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

13. “The traveler of the mystic path should be engrossed to such an extent that his formulas and litanies (awrad) must not be ignored in any circumstances in private or public life or in solitude.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

14. “The attainment of a patched frock is not a dependable thing; it is the company of the Shaikh which matters.”
Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

15. “It is mandatory for the wayfarer to do whatever but for God’s sake; he should eat for God’s sake, i.e., for His obeisance, etc.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

16. “Inspired knowledge (ilm laduni) necessitates piety as ablution is compulsory for prayer.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

17. “The seeker should be a disciple of some spiritual Guide (Shaikh) otherwise he won’t progress. Rag of Tasawwuf is actually the name of the company of the Shaikh and it is also called rag of discipleship which in true sense means seeking divinity. The disciple should spend some time in the company of his Shaikh since he is the radiant Guide for him.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

18. “Keep your raiments safe from filth and body from sin, and heart from malice.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

19. “That kind of knowledge or obedience which cannot prevent you from sins nor is amenable to worship, austerity, and good deed, then be sure that such knowledge or such obedience won’t save you from punishment on the Day of Resurrection.”
Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

20. “Auliya Allah never fear anyone or anything save God.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

21. “To sleep in the morning is odious. It causes hardship, shortens age, and straitens livelihood.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

22. “It is better to conceal the act of Divine worship.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

23. “The wayfarer should take care of the amanat (trust) of God. Piety of the eyes is that to see what is praiseworthy to see; for the hand to hold what is worthy to hold; for the nose, to smell what is worthy to smell, and for the mouth to eat what is worthy to eat etc., and for the heart to become the temple of the Lord and no one else.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

24. “Austerity and asceticism prevent the ego from deliciousness. In it are included things such as food, drink, clothes, seeing, hearing, and women.”
Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

25. “Once swearing he said: ‘An ignorant person (Shaikh) cannot be a spiritual Guide but he will be a thief of religion and robber in the Muslim community.'”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

26. “The wayfarer should eat licit food, don licit clothes, because if one grain is illicit or one fiber illicit, the journey would not be straight.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

27. “One who is endowed with inner enlightenment and plenitude (kamal) adopts humility and lowliness. And he who is devoid of it adopts conceit and vainglory.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

28. “The seeker can never be perfect unless praise and revilement of the people are alike to him.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

29. “The savant should combine his knowledge with action, and if he does not do so, he will be a jester.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

30. “One should be afraid of three kinds of persons: ignorant Peer, oppressive ruler, and worldly savant.”
— Makhdoom Jalaluddin Bukhari

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