Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi (1799 – 1883) was a revered Sufi saint and spiritual leader from Sial Sharif, Punjab, Pakistan. Belonging to the Sialvi Sufi order, he dedicated his life to spreading messages of love, peace, and spiritual enlightenment. His teachings emphasized selflessness, compassion, and devotion to God, attracting a large following of devotees seeking guidance on the Sufi path. Khwaja Shamsuddin’s shrine in Sial Sharif remains a significant pilgrimage site where followers seek blessings and solace. His legacy lives on through the continued practice of the Sialvi Sufi order and the profound reverence he holds among his devotees.
01. “I was Hidden Treasure, testifies love itself.” Firstly He loved Himself, This love caused the creation of entire phenomenal world.
— Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi
02. “Death of auliya Allah is like a man who shifts from one place to another. He who is malicious toward them is subjected to trouble and calamity. He who loves them is benefitted in the world and Hereafter.”
— Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi
03. “No good deed yields any lasting benefit unless performed with complete sincerity of purpose, without regard to personal gain, and without a vestige of hypocrisy.”
— Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi
04. “Human being is an inverted tree. The reason behind it is that the tree on earth has its roots in the ground, feet and branches are in the air toward the heaven. Since the human is the best of creation, his head is his root and his branches and limbs are his feet. This is why he is called an inverted tree.”
— Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi
05. “Man’s greatness and nobility lie in his character, and not only in his lineage.”
— Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi
06. “To derive maximum spiritual as well as worldly benefit, the murid should steadfastly sustain and nourish his relationship with his Shaikh under all circumstances, adverse or favourable.”
— Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi
07. “For the true lover of God, there are flowers everywhere. Nightingale sings when she sees flower but when the lover is annihilated in his Beloved, he sees beauty of his lover everywhere.”
— Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi
08. “When the wayfarer (salik) crosses successfully the station of ‘annihilation in Shaikh,’ he is attained to all the stages of mystic path and marifat: for the obedience of the Shaikh is the obedience of Allah and His Apostle.”
— Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi
09. “There is no difference between Ahad and Ahmad. The Essence and the Attributes and one.”
— Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi
10. “The Eternal Beauty became manifest. Ahad’s formlessness assumed Ahmad’s form. He came from the most invisible land and dwelt in the city of visible.”
— Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi
11. “All Sufi schools have the same ultimate objective, namely, the attainment of spiritual elevation and union with Allah; no school should therefore claim superiority over the others.”
— Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi
12. “The traveller of mystic path should concentrate more on the purification of his inmost being, come what may of his exterior since sainthood is not based on one’s outer raiments.”
— Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi
13. “The need for food and drink relates to the corporeal being. When the servants of God cross the boundaries of humanity and enter the realm of annihilation (fana), they are absolved from eating and drinking.”
— Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi
14. “When a Sufi is overwhelmed by the violent love of God, he treads all the stages of mystic path. He concerns nothing of the phenomenal world. Rather he does not think of becoming a Shaikh (spiritual Guide).”
— Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi
15. “Success of the spiritual path depends upon the longing and yearning of the heart. But one should never forsake chanting of litanies and recollection since the lovers lay down their life for the sake of the Beloved.”
— Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi
16. “Someone asked: ‘I like two things in the entire world: Spiritual audition (sama), and beauty worship.’ Khwaja said: ‘There is consensus of the Mashaikh on the matter of sama; but no agreement on beauty-worship, i.e., beauty-worship is food for the baser-self and sama food for the soul.'”
— Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi
17. “By metaphorical (unreal) love means adherence to the Religious laws and obedience to one’s Shaikh. When a true disciple perseveres in these two acts, he ultimately attains divine love.”
— Khwaja Shamsuddin Sialvi
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