All Time Famous Quotes of Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz, born in Delhi in 1321 CE, was a revered Sufi saint and scholar who settled in Gulbarga, Karnataka, India, during the 14th century. His teachings centered on love, tolerance, and service to humanity, welcoming people of all faiths to his hospice and promoting unity among diverse communities. Khwaja Bandanawaz’s profound spiritual insights and inclusive approach to Sufism earned him widespread reverence and admiration. He authored several works on Sufism, jurisprudence, and theology, contributing significantly to Islamic scholarship. His shrine in Gulbarga remains a significant pilgrimage site, attracting millions of devotees seeking blessings and spiritual guidance. Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz’s legacy endures as a beacon of compassion and unity, inspiring followers to embrace the principles of love and harmony in their lives, transcending religious and cultural boundaries for centuries to come.

Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz Quotes

01. “Everything contains one calamity in it. But passionate love contains two calamities: one in the beginning and the other at the end.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

02. “Aspirants should not expect supernatural power.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

03. “An accomplished Shaikh is one of the elected souls. Such souls have traversed the distance of time and space. A Shaikh can be present in an assembly and in his tomb simultaneously.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

04. “Love is a gift and a special boon of God.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

05. “Breathless recollection is incumbent on the traveler of the mystic path. If he does this in heavy amount, he must shun mating and take food and water less.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

06. “Recitation of litanies and formulae must be continued even after the achievement of spiritual perfection.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

07. “The disciple must know that the revelation of mysteries and the ability to divine thoughts of others entail a great calamity. He should avoid these things.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

08. “Discipleship and austerities won’t be profitable until detachment from worldly affairs is attained.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

09. “A Pir is like a suckling mother and a murid like a babe who suckles. The disciple should never be oblivious to his Shaikh in any circumstances; otherwise, perdition is feared.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

10. “The disciple should not disclose litanies and formulae given by his spiritual Guide to anyone whose concealment has been advised.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

11. “Abdication of the world while living in it is the best of action.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

12. “Aspirants should not expect supernatural power (karamat) nor intuitive ability from the Shaikh.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

13. “Supplicatory prayer shows its result if it is said in good faith, fulfilling all conditions.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

14. “Destiny controls all actions.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

15. “One must do that work which the carnal soul opposes. If by His adoration and meditation, he feels expansion, he should increase them.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

16. “The journeyer of the mystic path is impatient. That moment which passes without any achievement, he thinks better to die before it.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

17. “The aspirant should love solitude and must not do another work except two; either be busy in the Friend or immerse in His adoration. If he does any other work, it would not be fruitful.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

18. “Those who are aware of the reality of the world know that the temporal world is nothing more than an empty drum.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

19. “Reflection and meditation are superior to involuntary prayers. Meditation is the most lovely spiritual exercise.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

20. “Hell-fire cools down before the fire of violent love of God kindled in the heart of His lover.”
— Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

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