Khwaja Abdullah Abbasi Qadri Quotes
01. “Faith of disciple (Mureed) in his Shaikh (Pir) must be solid like a mountain, that even inclement winds fail to shake it. But if his faith is incomplete, he can never accrue spiritual beneficence.”
— Khwaja Abdullah Abbasi Qadri
02. “Never imprecate against anyone.”
— Khwaja Abdullah Abbasi Qadri
03. “He who evades fulfillment of a promise is a culprit.”
— Khwaja Abdullah Abbasi Qadri
04. “Purification of the lower-self is more challenging than just opposing it.”
— Khwaja Abdullah Abbasi Qadri
05. “God never likes the wicked oppressor of men.”
— Khwaja Abdullah Abbasi Qadri
06. “The disciple who is associated with our Sufi order and chants litanies regularly, if he be in the east or west at the time of the agony of death, you don’t call me Abdullah if he does not find me near him.”
— Khwaja Abdullah Abbasi Qadri