01. “No one ever suffered on the path of faith who did not find the remedy for his or her pain.”
— Jami
02. “When you see beauty and perfection in this world, it is nothing but a sign of Him. A beautiful creation is merely a single blossom from the vast garden of God. But remember that a picture fades, a flower dies, and the reflection in the mirror is eclipsed by the real light. It is God who is real and remains so forever. So why waste your time over something that is here today and gone tomorrow? Go directly to the source without delay.”
— Jami
03. “Sight is not the only way that love enters the heart; it often happens that love is born of the spoken word. The echo of beauty entering the ear may rob heart and soul of peace and reason.”
— Jami
04. “It is a principle of beauty that a fair face cannot bear to remain hidden behind the curtain; it is incapable of modesty, and if you close the door on it, it will only appear at the window. As you yourself know, when a rare and wonderful idea arises in your mind, you become obsessed with it and have to express it in speech or writing.”
— Jami
05. “A young man became the student of a sheikh and was given the job of cleaning the latrines. His mother, a wealthy physician, asked the sheikh to give her tender young son some other job and sent the sheikh twelve Ethiopian slaves to clean the houses. The sheikh replied – you are a physician. If your son had an inflammation of the gall bladder, should I give the medicine to an Ethiopian slave instead of giving it to him.”
— Jami
06. “All the atoms of the universe became so many mirrors, each reflecting an aspect of eternal splendor. A portion fell on the rose, which drove the nightingale mad with love, its ardor inflamed the candle’s cheek and hundreds of moths came from every side and burned themselves on it. It set the sun ablaze and made the water lily loom up from the depths.”
— Jami
07. “God has not made man with two hearts within him. He has placed within you but one heart so that with a single heart you may love Him alone, weaning from all ‘otherness’, and devote yourself to His worship and refrain from dividing the heart into a hundred pieces.”
— Jami
08. “How lucky the heart where love makes its home, for love makes it forget the cares of the world! Love is like a bolt of lightning which sets fire to patience and reason and reduces them to nothing. The lover becomes careless of his own safety. Mountains seem lighter to him than a straw, criticism only increases his passion.”
— Jami
09. “The hardest hazard facing disciples of great teachers, is that each and all tend to worship the teacher and not live according to the principles he or she announces.”
— Jami
10. “The heart that is free of lovesickness isn’t a heart at all. The body deprived of the pangs of love is nothing but clay and water.”
— Jami
11. “We are by nature astonishingly heedless and incapable of gratitude. We can spend a whole lifetime enjoying various benefits and not appreciate their value until we are deprived of them. How many lovers boldly contemplate separation, fondly imagining that they have had enough of the beloved. And yet as soon as they actually experience separation, they burn up with longing.”
— Jami
12. “Human qualities are Divine qualities in a manifested form. They relate to the Divine Attributes like a part to the whole. Union consists in forsaking all else and being wholly engrossed in the contemplation of the one Unique Being.”
— Jami
13. “When the true aspirant perceives in himself the beginning of Divine attraction, which consists in experiencing pleasure, whenever he thinks of the ‘Truth,’ he ought to exert all his efforts to develop and strengthen this experience and simultaneously banish whatever is incompatible therewith.”
— Jami
14. “At the beginning of things, the Beloved (God) unveiled His beauty, in the solitude of the invisible world. He showed all His Beauty unto Himself. He was in truth, both seer and seen: none except Him had looked upon this world. Ali was one, there was no duality; no assertion of ‘mine’ or ‘thine’.”
— Jami
15. “If love manifests itself within you, it has its origins in beauty. You are nothing but a mirror in which beauty is reflected. Because beauty and its reflection are both from that one source, it is both treasure and treasure house.”
— Jami
16. “The various grades of created things are theaters of His revealed beauty, and all things that exist are mirrors of His perfection. And in this course you must persevere until He mingles Himself with your soul, and your own individual existence passes out of your sight. Then if you regard yourself; it is He whom you are regarding; if you speak of yourself, it is He of whom you are speaking.”
— Jami
17. “Unification consists in unifying the heart, i.e., purifying it and expelling from it attachment to all things other than the ‘Truth’. So long as a man remains imprisoned in the snare of passion and lusts, it is hard for him to maintain close communion with the ‘Truth’ (God).”
— Jami
18. “In reality, there is but One sole Being who is interfused in all these degrees of manifestations which are only the details of the Unity (wahidyat).”
— Jami
19. “God reveals Himself at every breath in a fresh revelation, and He never repeats the same revelations. That is to say, He never reveals Himself during two consecutive moments under the guise of the same phenomena and modes, but every moment presents fresh phenomena and modes.”
— Jami
20. “Since God is the only Existent Being, man is non-existent and unreal. He is a non-entity apart from God.”
— Jami
21. “Man in regard to his corporeal nature stands at the lowest point of degradation; nevertheless, in regard to his spiritual nature, he is at the summit of nobility. He takes the impress of everything to which he directs his attention and assumes the color of everything to which he approaches.”
— Jami
22. “The heart of the true mystic remains free from all thoughts except the thought of God. Complete annihilation of the self implies annihilation of all human qualities, including the consciousness about self-annihilation.”
— Jami
23. “His Essence and Existence are one. The Divine Attributes like knowledge, Power and Will might appear to us as distinct from one another and different in their meanings but, in reality, they are identical with the One Divine Existence.”
— Jami