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Timeless Wisdom and Humor: Jack Benny Quotes

Jack Benny Quotes

Jack Benny was an iconic American comedian and actor, renowned for his timeless contributions to radio, television, and film. Born in Chicago, Illinois, Benny began his career as a vaudeville performer before transitioning to radio in the 1930s with “The Jack Benny Program,” which became one of the most popular and enduring radio shows of its time. Benny’s comedic style was characterized by his impeccable timing, deadpan delivery, and masterful use of comedic pauses. 

Jack Benny Quotes

1. “If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”
— Jack Benny

2. “Try to save something while your salary is small; it’s impossible to save after you begin to earn more.”
— Jack Benny

3. “Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese. Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”
— Jack Benny

4. “Try saving when your salary is low. So after making more money, you will not be able to do this anywhere.”
— Jack Benny

5. “I was born in Waukegan a long, long time ago. As a matter of fact, our rabbi was an Indian.”
— Jack Benny

6. “No matter how often I tell people I’m thirty-nine some of them refuse to believe I’m that old.”
— Jack Benny

7. “I took my girl to dinner, and she laughed so hard at one of my jokes that she dropped her tray.”
— Jack Benny

8. “When another comedian has a lousy show, I’m the first one to admit it.”
— Jack Benny

9. “I’m an old newspaper-man myself, but I quit because I found there was no money in old newspapers.”
— Jack Benny

10. “As you may or may not know, in keeping with the high-class tone of Beverly Hills, our police force is probably the most snobbish group of gendarmes in the world. It is said that the Beverly Hills Police Department is so fancy that it has an unlisted number.”
— Jack Benny

11. “There’s only five real people in Hollywood. Everyone else is Mel Blanc.”
— Jack Benny

12. “I’m happy to be making my first appearance on air professionally. By that I mean I’m finally getting paid, which I know will be a great relief to my creditors.”
— Jack Benny

13. “The doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with me except that I have a slight stomach pain. Wait till I get my hospital bill! Then I’ll really have a pain the stomach!”
— Jack Benny

14. “Age is mind over matter. If you don’t mind it doesn’t matter.”
— Jack Benny

15. “I practice three hours daily on my violin so I won’t get worse.”
— Jack Benny

16. “I’m living in a very modest place. I have a room over-looking beautiful Claridge’s Hotel. I thought it was better than paying Claridge’s prices and overlooking the dump I’m living in.”
— Jack Benny

17. “I must be cheaper now than I was ten years ago in order to get a laugh. It’s not funny now if I leave the table and give the waiter a nickel tip, which was a laugh years ago. Today I must maneuver it so that somehow I get the waiter to give me a nickel tip.”
— Jack Benny

18. “Comedy itself is based upon very old principles of which I can readily name seven. They are, in short: the joke, exaggeration, ridicule, ignorance, surprise, the pun, and finally, the comic situation.”
— Jack Benny

19. “I feel responsible for Johnny Ray’s success. See many years ago I asked him to be on my show and he asked for a lot of money and I cried. And he stole that from me.”
— Jack Benny

20. “I gambled at the crap table all night and finally lost $8, but during that time the house gave me four drinks and two cigars, so it was still a lot cheaper than renting a room.”
— Jack Benny

21. “The only way I’ll ever get hurt in the casino is if there’s an earthquake and a slot machine falls on my foot.”
— Jack Benny

22. “I began my show business career playing violin in San Francisco at the corner of Market and Taylor. I understand that there is a theater there now.”
— Jack Benny

23. “I went to a meeting for premature ejactulators. I left early.”
— Jack Benny

24. “Any man who would walk five miles through the snow, barefoot, just to return a library book so he could save three cents – that’s my kind of guy.”
— Jack Benny

25. “When you talk about the world’s greatest entertainer you have to say Al Jolson because there was no one like him. Only Judy Garland and perhaps Frank Sinatra got anywhere near him!”
— Jack Benny

26. “A rich man is one who isn’t afraid to ask the salesperson to show him something cheaper.”
— Jack Benny

27. “Everything good that happened to me happened by accident.”
— Jack Benny

28. “I believe in being honest with myself. If there’s one thing I hate it’s when a comedian is great and won’t admit it. I’ve never met one like that, but if I did, I’d hate them.”
— Jack Benny

29. “I was going to buy my girl a Packard car for Christmas, but it took too long to deliver, so I bought her some handkerchiefs.”
— Jack Benny

30. “A scout troop consists of twelve little kids dressed like schmucks following a big schmuck dressed like a kid.”
— Jack Benny

31. “Give me golf clubs, fresh air and a beautiful partner, and you can keep the clubs and the fresh air.”
— Jack Benny

32. “Bill Paley is not only the greatest boss I ever had, but he’s the most brilliant, honest and warm human being I’ve ever met. And I’ll say that to his face – even if it costs me my job.”
— Jack Benny
