Ghulam Muhiuddin Gilani, known as Muhiuddin Ibn Arabi or Ibn al-Arabi, was a prominent Islamic scholar, philosopher, and mystic of the 12th and 13th centuries, born in Islamic Spain. Renowned for his extensive writings on Islamic mysticism and philosophy, his most famous work, “Fusus al-Hikam” (The Bezels of Wisdom), explores the unity of existence and divine reality. Ibn Arabi’s teachings, central to Sufism, emphasize “Wahdat al-Wujud” (the Unity of Being), positing that all existence is a manifestation of the divine essence. His profound insights into spirituality and metaphysics have left a lasting impact, influencing scholars and spiritual seekers worldwide. Regarded as one of the greatest mystics in Islamic history, Ibn Arabi’s works remain essential reading for those studying Sufism and Islamic philosophy, reflecting his profound understanding of the nature of existence and the divine.
Ghulam Muhiuddin Gilani Quotes
01. “One should always ponder over the purpose for which he came in this world, and what he also has so far achieved.”
— Ghulam Muhiuddin Gilani
02. “Always abide by the rights of God and rights of man.”
— Ghulam Muhiuddin Gilani
03. “Spend your time in remembering Him. It was He who granted you this time.”
— Ghulam Muhiuddin Gilani
04. “Treat all in a good way in the belief that they are God’s creation.”
— Ghulam Muhiuddin Gilani
05. “Distinguish between a well-wisher and a non-well-wisher. As it is essential to differentiate between a friend and a foe, similarly between a true friend and a hypocrite. Consultation with a friend is desirable.”
— Ghulam Muhiuddin Gilani
06. “Remember God wherever thou art.”
— Ghulam Muhiuddin Gilani
07. “Abandon not the path of righteousness.”
— Ghulam Muhiuddin Gilani
08. “The poor and the aggrieved enjoy an early Hearing. You’ll be asked about your deeds, and the relations you maintained with mankind.”
— Ghulam Muhiuddin Gilani
09. “This universe is His book – take lessons from it.”
— Ghulam Muhiuddin Gilani