
Famous Quotes of André-Marie Ampère

André-Marie Ampère was a French physicist and mathematician who was one of the founders of the science of classical electromagnetism, which he referred to as “electrodynamics”. He is also the inventor of numerous applications, such as the solenoid and the electrical telegraph.

André-Marie Ampère Quotes

1. “Believe in God, in His providence, in a future life, in the recompense of the good; in the punishment of the wicked; in the sublimity and truth of the doctrines of Christ, in a revelation of this doctrine by a special divine inspiration for the salvation of the human race.”
— Andre-Marie Ampere

2. “Ordinarily logic is divided into the examination of ideas, judgments, arguments, and methods. The two latter are generally reduced to judgments, that is, arguments are reduced to apodictic judgments that such and such conclusions follow from such and such premises, and method is reduced to judgments that prescribe the procedure that should be followed in the search for truth.”
— Andre-Marie Ampere

3. “Either one or the other [analysis or synthesis] may be direct or indirect. The direct procedure is when the point of departure is known-direct synthesis in the elements of geometry. By combining at random simple truths with each other, more complicated ones are deduced from them. This is the method of discovery, the special method of inventions, contrary to popular opinion.”
— Andre-Marie Ampere

4. “There is synthesis when, in combining therein judgments that are made known to us from simpler relations, one deduces judgments from them relative to more complicated relations. There is analysis when from a complicated truth one deduces more simple truths.”
— Andre-Marie Ampere

5. “Believe in God, in His providence, in a future life, in the recompense of the good; in the punishment of the wicked; in the sublimity and truth of the doctrines of Christ, in a revelation of this doctrine by a special divine inspiration for the salvation of the human race.”
— Andre-Marie Ampere

6. “My father… never required me to study anything, but he knew how to inspire in me a great desire for knowledge. Before learning to read, my greatest pleasure was to listen to passages from Buffon’s natural history. I constantly requested him to read me the history of animals and birds.”
— Andre-Marie Ampere

7. “It seemed to me that one should make an effort to banish artificial classifications from chemistry and begin to assign to each element the place it must occupy in the natural order by comparing it in succession to others.”
— Andre-Marie Ampere

8. “Ideas may drift into other minds, but they do not drift my way. I have to go and fetch them. I know no work manual or mental to equal the appalling heart-breaking anguish of fetching an idea from nowhere.”
— Andre-Marie Ampere

9. “A false idea is not only one which is absolutely subjective but one which is absolutely objective.”
— Andre-Marie Ampere

10. “The man with but one idea in his head is sure to exaggerate that to top-heaviness, and thus he loses his equilibrium.”
— Andre-Marie Ampere

11. “If there is any way you can get colder than you do when you sleep in a bedding roll on the ground in a tent in southern Tunisia two hours before dawn, I don’t know about it.”
— Andre-Marie Ampere

12. “There are two types of people in the world, and I’m one of them.”
— Andre-Marie Ampere

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