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All Time Famous Quotes of John von Neumann

7 months ago

John von Neumann (December 28, 1903 – February 8, 1957) was a Hungarian-American mathematician, physicist, computer scientist, engineer and polymath.… Read More

  • Scientist

All Time Famous Quotes of John Dalton

7 months ago

John Dalton (1766–1844) was an English chemist, meteorologist, and physicist, best known for his pioneering work in the development of… Read More

  • Scientist

All Time Famous Quotes of James Clerk Maxwell

7 months ago

James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879) was a Scottish physicist renowned for his groundbreaking contributions to electromagnetism and theoretical physics. He formulated… Read More

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All Time Famous Quotes of Heinrich Hertz

7 months ago

Heinrich Hertz (1857–1894) was a German physicist who made significant contributions to the field of electromagnetism. He is best known… Read More

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All Time Famous Quotes of Gregor Mendel

7 months ago

Gregor Mendel (1822–1884) was an Austrian scientist and Augustinian friar, renowned as the father of modern genetics. Through meticulous experiments… Read More

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All Time Famous Quotes of George Washington Carver

7 months ago

George Washington Carver (1860s–1943) was an esteemed African American scientist, educator, and inventor renowned for his agricultural innovations. Born into… Read More

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All Time Famous Quotes of Ernest Rutherford

7 months ago

Ernest Rutherford (1871–1937) was a pioneering physicist known as the "father of nuclear physics." His 1909 gold foil experiment revealed… Read More

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All Time Famous Quotes of Aristotle

7 months ago

Aristotle (384-322 BC) was a Greek philosopher, scientist, and polymath. He studied under Plato and later became the tutor of… Read More

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All Time Famous Quotes of Archimedes

7 months ago

Archimedes (287-212 BC) was an ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, and engineer. He is renowned for discovering principles such as buoyancy… Read More

  • Scientist

Famous Quotes of Alexander Fleming

7 months ago

Alexander Fleming, a Scottish bacteriologist and pharmacologist, made a groundbreaking discovery in 1928 with the identification of the antibiotic substance… Read More