
Albert Bandura Quotes

Albert Bandura

At Stanford University, psychologist Albert Bandura OC has the title of David Starr Jordan Professor Emeritus of Social Science in Psychology. He has been deeply involved in the evolution of social cognitive theory, therapy, personality psychology, and education for than sixty years. He also had a significant role in the shift from behaviorism to cognitive psychology. He is credited with creating the theoretical idea of self-efficacy and social learning theory (later called social cognitive theory). He also oversaw the groundbreaking Bobo doll experiment in 1961.All time famous quotes of Albert Bandura 

All time famous quotes of Albert Bandura

01. “Psychology cannot tell people how they ought to live their lives. It can however, provide them with the means for effecting personal and social change.”
― Albert Bandura

02. “People’s beliefs about their abilities have a profound effect on those abilities.”
― Albert Bandura

03. “The human mind is generative, creative, proactive, and reflective — not just reactive.”
― Albert Bandura

04. “Where everyone is responsible, no one is really responsible.”
― Albert Bandura

05. “It requires a strong sense of responsibility to be a good functionary. In situations involving obedience to authority, people carry out orders partly to honor the obligations they have undertaken. One must, therefore, distinguish between two levels of responsibility—duty to one’s superiors, and accountability for the effects of one’s actions.”
― Albert Bandura

06. “It requires conducive social conditions, rather than monstrous people, to produce heinous deeds.”
― Albert Bandura

07. “Authorities usually invite and support detrimental conduct in insidious ways that minimize personal responsibility for what is happening. Moreover, the intended purpose of sanctioned destructiveness is usually disguised so that neither issuers nor perpetrators regard their actions as censurable. When reprehensible practices are publicized, they are officially dismissed as only isolated incidents arising through misunderstanding of what had, in fact, been authorized. Efforts are made to limit any blame to subordinates, who are portrayed as misguided or overzealous. Investigators who go searching for “smoking guns” display naivete about the surreptitious manner in which culpable behavior is sanctioned and executed. Generally one finds mazy devices of nonresponsibility rather than smoking guns.”
Albert Bandura

08. “Analyses of moral disengagement mechanisms usually draw heavily on examples from military and political violence. This tends to convey the impression that selective disengagement of self-sanctions occurs only under extraordinary circumstances. The truth is quite the contrary. Such mechanisms operate in everyday situations in which decent people routinely perform activities having injurious human effects, to further their own interests or for profit.”
― Albert Bandura

09. “What is immoral to do is immoral to threaten.”
― Albert Bandura

10. “In the social learning view, people are neither driven by inner forces nor buffeted by environmental stimuli. Rather, psychological functioning is explained in terms of a continuous reciprocal interaction of personal and environmental determinants.”
― Albert Bandura

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