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All Time Famous Quotes of Abu Talib Makki

Abu Talib Makki Quotes

Abu Talib al-Makki was a prominent Persian Sufi mystic and writer who lived during the 10th century. He is best known for his influential work “Qut al-Qulub” (Nourishment of Hearts), which is considered a classic of Sufi literature. In this work, Abu Talib al-Makki discusses various aspects of Sufism, including the stages of the spiritual journey, the purification of the heart, and the attainment of spiritual insight. He emphasizes the importance of sincere devotion to God, self-discipline, and detachment from worldly desires as essential elements of the Sufi path. Abu Talib al-Makki’s teachings had a profound impact on Sufi thought and practice, influencing generations of Sufi scholars and practitioners. His work remains highly regarded in the Islamic mystical tradition and continues to be studied and revered by Sufis around the world.

Abu Talib Makki Quotes

01. “Gnosis means the vision of God, for when the eye of the soul is stripped of all the veils which hindered it from seeing God, then it beholds the reality of the Divine Attributes by its own inner light, which goes far beyond the light which is given to perfect faith, for gnosis belongs to a sphere quite other than that of faith. Hence, there is no distinction between love of God and knowledge of God.”
— Abu Talib Makki

02. “Asceticism concerns the soul for the next world. True asceticism means the thrusting out from the heart of all worldly thoughts reckoning them as vanity. It leads ultimately to friendship with God.”
— Abu Talib Makki

03. “Gnosis truly, is a tight which God casts into the heart. True knowledge of God is gained when the lover comes in contact with the Beloved through secret communion with Him.”
—Abu Talib Makki

04. “The servant does not attain to assurance of the doctrine of the Unity except by means of gnosis.”
— Abu Talib Makki

05. “Love leads to knowledge of the Divine mysteries and those who love to abide in God and look to Him only, and He is nearer to them than all else and to them in given a vision of Him unveiled and they see Him with the eye of certainty.”
— Abu Talib Makki

06. “Patience has three stages; first, it means that the servant ceases to complain, and this is the stage of repentances; second, he becomes satisfied with what is decreed, and this is the rank of the ascetic; third, he comes to love whatever his Lord does with him, and this is the stage of the true friends of God.”
— Abu Talib Makki

07. “O Lord! Increase light within me and give me light and illuminate me.”
— Abu Talib Makki

08. “Patience (Sabr) is a true means for reaching God. In patience the soul rejoices spiritual bliss and kinship with the Beloved. This is stage when the seeker of God heartily welcomes afflictions which appear on the way to Him.”
—Abu Talib Makki

09. “Pure love of God illuminates the soul of the lover, and the mysteries of His divinity are revealed by God when the vision of the Beloved is contemplated.”
— Abu Talib Makki

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