Abu Ismaïl Abdullah al-Herawi al-Ansari or Khajah Abdullah Ansari of Herat (4 May 1006 – 8 March 1089), also known as Pir-i Herat (sage of Herat), Shaykh al-Islām was a famous Persian Sufi who lived in the 11th century in Herat. One of the outstanding figures in Khorasan in his century: commentator of the Qur’an, traditionist, polemicist, and spiritual master, known for his oratory and poetic talents in Arabic and Persian.
Abdullah Ansari Quotes
01. The earthly Ka’ba is guarded by the mountain of Arafaat; the temple of the heart is radiant with God’s own light.
― Khwaja Abdullah Ansari
02. In this path, be a man with a heart full of compassion. Engage not in vain doing and make not your home in the street of lust and desire.
― Khwaja Abdullah Ansari
03. This world is not a place for enjoyment. It is a place where humanity is on trial. It is a mere crossing and not an abiding city of delight.
― Khwaja Abdullah Ansari
04. He who knows all that happen is from Him is freed from tribulation.
― Khwaja Abdullah Ansari
05. Intimacy is comfort and tranquility through being close to the Beloved. Herein the sincere disciple hears the promise, the gnostic discovers a sign, and the lover gazes upon the Beloved.
― Khwaja Abdullah Ansari
06. Even a prison radiates happiness if love for the God Most High fills the heart.
― Khwaja Abdullah Ansari
07. The path is narrow and beset by yawning chasms. Woe to him “is heavily laden with sin and walks without the light of faith.
― Khwaja Abdullah Ansari
08. Amongst the waystations of friendship there is none higher or more exalted than contentment, nor any fruit so fine.
― Khwaja Abdullah Ansari
09. All that His lovers do not suffer is entirely a probation; but in order to console themselves they have produced “stations” and “stages” and “path”, whereas God is exempt from every human attribute and relationship.
― Khwaja Abdullah Ansari
10. “Treat others as thou wouldst be treated. What thou likest not for thyself, dispense not to others.”
― Khwaja Abdullah Ansari
11. Four things are destroyed by the other fours: kindness by ingratitude, strength (of government) by crime, power by power and human love by arrogance.
― Khwaja Abdullah Ansari
12. Can you walk on water? You have done no better than a straw. Can you fly through the air? You are no better than a gnat. Conquer your heart-then you may become somebody.
― Khwaja Abdullah Ansari