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All Time Famous Quotes of Abdul Quddus Gangohi

Abdul Quddus Gangohi Quotes

Abdul Quddus Gangohi, a 19th-century Islamic scholar and Sufi saint from Gangoh, India, was a leading figure in the Chishti Sufi order. Renowned for his piety and erudition, he received education from prominent scholars, becoming proficient in Islamic jurisprudence, theology, and Sufism. Gangohi’s teachings emphasized spiritual purification, adherence to Islamic principles, and love for God and humanity. He contributed significantly to Islamic scholarship through his writings and discourses, addressing theological and jurisprudential matters. His legacy endures, inspiring followers of the Chishti order and scholars in South Asia, highlighting the importance of spiritual devotion and scholarly pursuits within the context of Islamic tradition.

Abdul Quddus Gangohi Quotes

01. “One cannot be liberated from alterity (other than God) until abandonment of the world is attained to him in totality and without getting rid of otherness, temple of the heart cannot be cleansed of evil thoughts and defilements. And the heart without purgation cannot sustain Divine light nor is fit for eternal life.”
— Abdul Quddoos Gangohi

02. “The gnostic, every time, is subject to different Divine visitations for the Reality is shoreless. It is such an ocean which has no shore and the heart of gnostic is such a sea which has no trace.”
— Abdul Quddoos Gangohi

03. “When the Faqr is complete, ‘other than He’ is eliminated; even dervish himself does not exist amid. Although as human being he is visible, but in reality he is not.”
— Abdul Quddoos Gangohi

04. “There is a treasure mine of spiritual wealth beneath affliction and calamity. For the aspirants, there is such blessing in affliction which is not found in gift and boon.”
— Abdul Quddoos Gangohi

05. “It is essential to study books on the spiritual path. Make it incumbent to read books on this subject and take them as your guide since the books work like lamp and without lamp, there is no light, and without light Presence in Divine court is not possible. He who is ignorant is veiled. Be busy in learning and practices. Whatever books you see on spiritual path (tasawwuf), you buy them.”
— Abdul Quddoos Gangohi

06. “When dervish is absorbed in God, he is alienated from all “otherness”. He is immersed in His light which is limitless and encompasses all from pre to post eternity. This is the Divine Light worthy of deification and this is the light which has radiated every iota in the universe.”
— Abdul Quddoos Gangohi

07. “Ego is the main cause of veil in the Divine way; otherwise, God is not distant, but servant is remote, separate and absent on account of ego. When it is eliminated, He is manifested.”
— Abdul Quddoos Gangohi

08. “During prayer, the worshipper holds discourse with his Lord. His heart is so much engrossed in the Lord that he, passing through the phenomenal veil, reaches the sacred pavilion of God and absorbing in Him becomes non-existent; rather nothing remains, only He exists.”
— Abdul Quddoos Gangohi

09. “The friends of God (auliya Allah) may not have anything of this world and are donned in tattered clothes, still they are united with the Lord and are king of both the worlds.”
— Abdul Quddoos Gangohi

10. “The heart, in proportion to its purification, gets nourishment from the soul, i,e., when the soul illuminates, it becomes radiant and is strengthened to recourse to God Most High. When the soul is radiated, it flies into the Divine light and mysteries.”
— Abdul Quddoos Gangohi

11. “The contemplation of Divine Beauty which is attained to the holy man is never conferred on the ascetics and worshippers. The extemnalists who are content with rosary and prayer-mat, know nothing of love with the Friend. The example of these externalists is like that of women who are content with facial beauty.”
— Abdul Quddoos Gangohi

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