Fuzail ibn Ayaz, a prominent Islamic scholar and early figure in Sufism, lived during the 8th and 9th centuries in Kufa, Iraq. Deeply influenced by Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq, he advocated moral integrity, humility, and sincerity in spiritual practice. Fuzail emphasized renunciation of worldly desires and inner purity as crucial for spiritual growth. Known for his encounters with Abu Muslim al-Khurasani, he chose a life of poverty and simplicity despite his scholarly prowess, embodying detachment and devotion to God. Fuzail’s teachings continue to inspire Muslims worldwide, particularly Sufis, to seek spiritual enlightenment through humility, selflessness, and sincere devotion to the Divine.
Fuzail ibn Ayaz Quotes
01. “It is offensive that there should be seen in the outward appearance of man more humility than what is in his heart.”
— Fuzail Bin Ayaz
02. “Satisfaction (Rida) is better than asceticism in this world because one who is satisfied never wishes for anything beyond his Station.”
— Fuzail Bin Ayaz
03. “The Lord says: “When My slave remembers Me, I remember him and when He forgets Me, I forget him.”
— Fuzail Bin Ayaz
04. “Just as it is impossible to shed tears in Paradise, so to laugh in the world is also a matter of surprise. For just as Paradise is not a place for tears, similarly the world is no place for laughter.”
— Fuzail Bin Ayaz
05. “Whom God loves, on him He sends sufferings and whom He does not tike, on him He bestows comforts.”
— Fuzail Bin Ayaz
06. “The scholars of the Merciful possess humility and submissiveness and the scholars of the rulers possess pride and arrogance. Whoever considers his soul to be of any worth has no share of submissiveness.”
— Fuzail Bin Ayaz
07. “Submit to the Truth; obey it and accept it from whoever says it, this is submissiveness.”
— Fuzail Bin Ayaz
08. “God revealed to the mountain, I will speak a prophet upon one of you; so, the mountains raised themselves high is pride while Mount Sinai lowered itself humbly. Then God spoke to Moses on this mountain because of its humility.”
— Fuzail Bin Ayaz
09. “Only the fearful one sees the fearful. It is the mother without her child who likes to see other mourning mothers.”
— Fuzail Bin Ayaz
10. “I wish to fall ill that all my time may pass in seclusion with the Lord and be saved appearing in mass prayers.”
— Fuzail Bin Ayaz