Philip II, also known as Philip the Prudent, was King of Spain from 1556, King of Portugal from 1580, and King of Naples and Sicily from 1554 until his death in 1598. He was also jure uxoris King of England and Ireland from his marriage to Queen Mary I in 1554 until her death in 1558.
Quotes of Philip II
1. “My son ask for thyself another Kingdom, for that which I leave is too small for thee.”
— Philip II of Macedon
2. “My boy, you must find a kingdom big enough for your ambitions. Macedon is too small for you.”
— Philip II of Macedon
3. “There is no wall that is high enough to stop a horse with a cart filled with gold.”
— Philip II of Macedon
4. “Oh, how small a portion of earth will hold us when we are dead, who ambitiously seek after the whole world while we are living!”
— Philip II of Macedon
5. “Perish any man who suspects that these men either did or suffered anything unseemly.”
— Philip II of Macedon