Day: January 31, 2024

kurt Lewin

All Time famous Quotes of Kurt Lewin

One of the contemporary American pioneers in social, organizational, and applied psychology, and a German-American psychologist. After being banished from his birthplace, Kurt Lewin started over.   All Time famous Quotes of Kurt Lewin   01. “If you want to truly understand something, try to change it.” ― Kurt Lewin 02. “Behavior is a function […]

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Anna Freud

All Time famous Quotes of Anna Freud

The youngest of Sigmund and Martha Freud’s six children, Anna Freud was born in Vienna on December 3, 1895. Freud was estranged from her five siblings throughout her early years, particularly from Sophie, the sister she fought with her father for his attention. Freud’s parents frequently sent her to health camps throughout the summer to […]

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